In my last post, Free Source of Hope: Bible App Plans, I told you about the app that I use each morning to help me stay grounded in God’s Word.
Today, I wanted to share a few other Apps with you:
- Are you a bit nerdy like me? Then I think you’ll love this one! The team at The Bible Project dig deep into the complex themes of Scripture while keeping it down to earth for us common folks 🙂 There are videos, articles, podcasts, reading plans, guides, and even full length classes you can take. Search for The Bible Project App in your app store.
- Ever had the kind of day that makes you want to pull your hair out? The One Minute Pause App by Wild at Heart can help with that. The app is designed to prompt you to pause for one minute at certain times of day. This one simple change can altar your entire day; certainly your attitude.
- For those who are on the grief journey, I recommend the Grief Refuge App. I’ll let them speak for themselves: “With the instability and inconsistency of the feelings and thoughts associated with grief, it will feel like work. Hard work. And it is just that. The work involved requires giving grief attention, as well as investing both physical and emotional energy….using the Grief Refuge app on a daily basis will help you give attention to your grief and also save some physical and emotional energy by feeling more supported. The app’s key feature is called the Daily Refuge, which is a daily audio message shared about grief to help listeners gain perspective and feel soothed….Each message shares a piece of knowledge about how grief works, and in subtle ways, provides some guidance for navigating the journey….Topics like the phases of grief are shared to a greater depth on the Daily Refuge; all helping to support you and open the door to healing and living with loss in peaceful and authentic ways.”
- My last app recommendation comes with this caveat: it is not faith based, so please use your faith filter if you check it out. Actively Moving Forward (AMF) is a robust network that would benefit anyone who is grieving. They have a user friendly app, an online community that has facilitated virtual support groups, online discussion forums talks every Tuesday, information about funerals, a virtual book club, and workshops you can participate in. It’s broken up by age groups so all members grieving a loss can find support in their age group. They have a child loss group, sibling loss, young adults, thirties and up, people who have lost spouses, and people who have lost parents. The extensive resources include help finding local grief support services, grief coaching, and mental health assistance. Some recent articles address practical needs of the bereaved: “How to handle family conflicts following a death loss”; “Does grief get more challenging as time goes on?”; “How grief can lead to addictive behaviors.” Earlier this year, they sponsored a workshop titled, “Make Meaning: Moving from Loss to Found”. My favorite feature is a private online social platform where you can connect with others who are grieving. I would love to see a similar platform for Christians to connect with those who have the same biblical foundation and will understand where our ultimate hope comes from!
What about you, friend? Have you found any apps that might benefit our community here? Share in the comments below!
This is part of the Free Source of Hope Series:
Free (or Cheap) Source of Hope: Videos & Movies
Free Source of Hope: Blogs & Newsletters
Free Source of Hope: Bible App Plans
Free Source of Hope: Support Groups
Free Source of Hope: GodPrints YouTube Channel
Free Source of Hope: The Bible
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