Do you know a father, son, or brother who could use a man’s perspective on grief, loss, guilt, and overcoming life’s broken areas?

Then you’ll want to listen to this interview from Focus on the Family with Christian musician Toby Mac. Toby and his wife lost their 21-year-old son, and he is very candid about his struggles, and the hope he has in Christ, in this episode.

If you scroll down on the page, you will also see some helpful related resources that Focus on the Family recommends.

And just in case you didn’t know, our family’s heart is to come alongside the hurting who don’t think there will ever be brighter days ahead and help them find what we’ve already experienced: hope is available.

In fact, that’s why we created Integrity Multi Media LLC. (

I love to encourage others through writing.

My husband Myron through speaking, teaching, and preaching.

And our oldest son, Caleb, is currently exploring ideas on how he can minister to those who have lost brothers and sisters as he has.

All of us are passionate about Jesus and believe in sharing his love with everyone God brings into our sphere of influence.

Is that you, dear friend? Would you benefit from reaching out to one of us?

If so, shoot me an email

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