When I was a preteen Sunday school teacher, I assigned my class a scripture to memorize. I started the new school year by explaining to them why it wasn’t for “busy work” or to be “super spiritual”. It was because I knew from firsthand experience the power of hiding God’s word deep inside us.

Despite the havoc cancer treatments caused, memorized scriptures gave me something to hold on to. As I’d come across new ones, I’d find whatever scrap of paper I could and write them down, trying to commit them to memory. There were index cards, post-its, and construction paper taped by light switches, on mirrors and doors, and even on the front of the refrigerator.

Those words of life took root in my heart and grew into a sturdy, dependable tree that could withstand the tests of my life. I can honestly say that God’s word helped me keep my mind in a healthy place, back in that time of health crisis but also many times since.

The best news? We here in the Western world have access to God’s word 24/7, 365 days a year! For free if you use the YouVersion app on your phone. But, really, even if you want a printed copy, you can find one for less than a meal in the drive-through nowadays.

I’ll tell you some tips I told my class:

  • Find a Biblically sound translation that you can read. If you dislike reading Shakespeare, don’t get the King James version. There are many other sound translations. Find one you can (and will!) read. Then read it!
  • Reading four chapters of the Bible every day may be a lofty goal for some, but is it attainable for you? As with any new habit, set goals that are realistic for you. Can you start with five minutes of scripture each day and then meditate on that throughout the day? Once you get used to five minutes, can you increase to ten?
  • More than the number of chapters or verses, focus on really thinking about what you’re reading. How can it apply to you today? Are there things you need to talk to God about?
  • Up for a challenge? Find a reading buddy and challenge each other. Be creative and come up with what works for you. For instance, maybe you both commit to reading one chapter a day and then check in with each other once a week. Or maybe you both agree to do a word study on, say, stress, and then check back in with each and compare notes. It makes accountability fun!

What else would you add to my tips? Please share them below!

PS Here are some other posts I’ve written that may help you too:

Blog Post I wrote about the power of Scripture in the battle for your mind:

Who’s Winning the Battle for Your Mind?

Free Instant download of 10 verses to give you hope:

10 Verses to Give You Hope

Get your FREE copy of 100 Eternal Truths To Anchor Us in the Storms Of Life by Jenny Leavitt: 100 Eternal Truths

This is part of the Free Source of Hope Series:

Free (or Cheap) Source of Hope: Videos & Movies

Free Source of Hope: Blogs & Newsletters

Free Source of Hope: Podcasts

Free Source of Hope: Books

Free Source of Hope: Apps

Free Source of Hope: Bible App Plans

Free Source of Hope: Support Groups

Free Source of Hope: GodPrints YouTube Channel

Free Source of Hope: Music

Free Source of Hope: The Bible

Free Source of Hope: Sermons


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