Hi friend,

Myron and I were recently at a sister church where he preached a sermon that reminded me we’re not in a parade, we’re at war. The enemy of our souls would love for us to lower our mental defenses, even just a little, so he can access our minds and affect our mental health.

It was so helpful to me that I thought I’d share some highlights with you in case it helps you too. (By the way, these notes are in my words- not Myron’s!)

  • The devil knows that believers in Jesus do not belong to him anymore, but he wants us back. If he can’t have us back, he will continue to mess with our minds.
  • We, as believers in Jesus, have the authority in Heaven’s court to evict hell from our mind
  • Three simple keys to taking back our minds:
  1. Refocus your mind by setting your mind on things above (Romans 8:6)
  2. Refill your mind with God’s Word (Psalm 119:11)
  3. Renew your mind by choosing each day to seek God first (Ephesians 4:22, Romans 12:2)

I don’t know about you friend, but those 3 “simple” keys may be easy to read, but hard to put into practice each day! But, I know from experience that it is worth it. Those days when I skip spending some time in prayer and Bible reading, I can literally feel the difference in my attitude and actions that day.

So, I’m committing–one day at a time–to heed this godly counsel and seek Jesus first.

What about you? Will you join me? Comment below to share your thoughts!

Looking forward in hope,
