Christmas carols streaming from the radio, shoppers bumping into you at the mall…

everywhere you go it seems like there’s laughter and conversation.


There’s also horn honking and frustrated, angry voices.

And it all seems exaggerated in the holiday season especially.

What do you do when your life just seems loud? When everywhere you turn, there’s something vying for your attention, trying to distract you?

Has this ever happened to you? You sit down to pray, read your Bible, spend a few minutes journaling, and at that very moment, you remember that load of laundry that needs your attention. Or does that just happen to me?

Sometimes it’s that item I need to add to the grocery list before I forget. Or a hundred things that pop into my mind just as I’m trying to focus on Jesus.

So how do you get closer to God and draw and quiet your mind in those times? Especially in these stress filled holiday times.

I wanted to share with you a few practical tips that have helped me:

  • I enjoy walking out in nature. After experiencing the hustle and bustle of the mall, the beauty of nature calms me, as nothing else can. As the noise fades, I hear the birds chirp, see the scampering squirrels, and feel the crisp breeze flutter my hair. I see the brilliant blue sky and think about how great of an artist our God is. The next thing I know, I’m talking to Him. Isn’t that what prayer is? Just talking to God from your heart? As a friend?
  • Use what you’ve got. When our kids were young, and life inside the home could be chaotic any time of year, not just this season, I couldn’t always get outside to enjoy God’s creation. I had to get creative. Where could I try to find a few minutes of just quiet time to pause and reflect? I know lots of moms who would say, “The bathroom!” and I agree. I definitely had those moments. But what about when the kids bang on the door? Or when you hear them fighting and sigh because your reprieve is over? It’s hard to have a conversation when you’re vacuuming! Another idea: listen to some worship music while you’re folding laundry or sweeping the floor.
  • Make use of all your time. As I returned to working full time, I didn’t always have the opportunity (or energy!) to walk or clean the house while trying to draw closer to God. I had to think about what time I have and make adjustments again. Driving alone? While staying focused on the road, try listening to uplifting music, or an encouraging podcast or audiobook that will feed and nourish your spirit. I love listening to my Bible app in the morning while getting ready for work. I use the settings to have it read the scripture and devotional plans to me. Use your lunch break too! Bring your Bible or devotional to read and mentally shift your mind back to a healthy place in the middle of your day. Or take that prayer walk.

These are just a few of the things I’ve picked up over the years to help me re-center my spirit and draw closer to Jesus when life is loud and busy. These minor adjustments could be a radical shift in your walk with Christ. Work time with Him in your day and see what God can do!

I would love to hear some of your creative ways to include more quiet time in your life when your life is anything but quiet. Share in the comments below or email me at


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