One of the hardest things any couple can face is the loss of a child. There are so many facets to processing loss, that many volumes of books have been written about it, they have made movies depicting it, and songs are penned as the artist delves into the deep places and shares their story. Just about every form of art, journalism, and media has some venue for dealing with grief.

After we lost our 17-year-old son, Jacob, in a drunk driving accident, I began the search for support, resources, and answers. One of the avenues that have proven to be very helpful to me is listening to podcasts while I’m alone in the car or cooking in the kitchen.

One particularly helpful podcast on this topic is “Losing a child: Always Andy’s mom”.

For example, Episode 127 deals with a very difficult, yet real-life struggle: grieving as a couple. The host is Pediatrician Dr. Marcy Larson.

Here’s a news story introducing her a bit more for you:

Her husband is also a doctor, and he told Marcy the night they lost their son, “This will not break us.”

Myron and I had to make a similar stand after our loss and say, “This will not shatter our marriage. We will fight for our marriage.”

God has been faithful to help us.

Marcy recently interviewed Myron and I on her podcast and it is up now in case you’d like to listen.

Losing a Child: Always Andy’s Mom, Episode 182: Jacob’s Mom and Dad

Remember, friend, there’s always hope!


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