Know a son, brother, father, or another man in your life that could use a man’s perspective on grief, loss, or survivors’ guilt?
My husband, Myron (who is a pastor), and our son, Caleb (who is a teacher) love to talk about Real Life, offer Real Hope, as they help other men find Real Answers to their very Real Questions.
Before we moved to Sanford, Myron preached a sermon for our home church in Jacksonville where he said, “We live in a day and hour in which people are more than willing to commit themselves to the nonessentials of life with no problem. They are committed to their sports teams, their games and toys, their hobbies. But if you were to challenge them to be committed to God, their families, their marriage, the cause of Christ, the church; then you’ll have a fight on your hands.”
He continued, “I used to think that commitment itself was being attacked and destroyed, but today I believe that Satan has meticulously, step by step, convinced men and women to move their commitments from the essential things of life to the nonessentials…Many of us understand that if we knew we had a short time to live, we would make sure our last words would not be wasted on nonessential things.
“We are involved in something so much bigger than what most of us even comprehend. Everything we do here, we do to further the cause of Christ. Every light bulb we change, every floor we clean, every hour we spend practicing for an event, every dollar we put in the offering basket, every word spoken on outreach, every prayer uttered…
He then challenged those of us listening to consider for ourselves:
“What will detour the Cause of Christ in your life? What will you allow to divert you from God’s calling in your life this year? Work? Business? Pleasures? Excuses? Past Failures? Past Hurts?”
“Maybe no one has ever told you that you had a purpose, a destiny. Others may need to acknowledge the truth that you have become comfortable, and your life has been ho-hum regarding your Christian walk. Maybe you need to say, “Lord, change me. Draw me unto yourself in a more powerful way so that I will pursue my destiny. I will not let the hope and dream die concerning your plans for my life.”
Want to hear the reason why Myron can speak so opening and boldly?
Check out a podcast interview that my husband, Myron, did with Virginia Beach Potter’s House Pastor Adam Dragoon.

Myron and I at a ministry conference.
The interview runs about an hour and a half and covers Myron sharing his testimony and our family’s story. The first 50 minutes or so are free but if you’d like to listen to the entire episode, you’ll need to support the podcast with a donation. All donations go directly to world evangelism. The portion where Myron recounts the accident begins around one hour and five minutes into the show.
Check it out here: